Vserv logo is a combination of the company name and the Vinja ant mascot.
The logo unit is simplistic with minimal color combination of white, blue and green
Proportionate logo on white background
Proportionate logo on dark background
Logo without mascot on white background
Logo without mascot on dark background
Use logo with the right shade of black
Don't use logo with mascot in monochrome tone on light background
Don't use logo with mascot in monochrome tone on dark background
Don't stretch the logo
Do not change the black color tone for the logo
Do not add different mascot size with the logo
The Vinja mascot ant represents our stepping stone approach where we work as a community of curious and hungry doers in the digital marketing landscape.
Primary Colors
Manrope is an open-source modern sans-serif font family, designed by Mikhail Sharanda in 2018. In 2019, Mirko Velimirovic worked with Mikhail Sharanda to convert Manrope into a variable font.
For more queries contact - marketing@vserv.com